Tuesday, July 15, 2014

XQuery: Aggregation with Join

Today we'll learn about aggregation using XQuery FLWOR expressions.
Assume that we have a customers and an orders XML document. The examples below demonstrate grouping, aggregation and join in XQuery.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <customer custid="1">
    <customer custid="2">
    <customer custid="3">

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <order orderid="1">
       <address>343 2nd Ave S.</address>
       <item itemid="a1">
  <order orderid="2">
       <address>1000 Johnson St.</address>
       <item itemid="a1">
       <item itemid="b1">
  <order orderid="3">
       <address>1000 Johnson St.</address>
       <item itemid="a1">
       <item itemid="b1">
  <order orderid="4">
       <address>1000 Johnson St.</address>
       <item itemid="a1">

-- load xml files to SQL Server as CLOB = Character Large Object 
DECLARE @customers XML = 
(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Self_Dev\XML\customers.xml', SINGLE_CLOB) AS customers);

DECLARE @orders XML =
(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Self_Dev\XML\orders2.xml', SINGLE_CLOB) AS orders);

-- Concatenate XML documents using XML PATH mode.
DECLARE @customers_orders XML = (SELECT @customers, @orders
                                 FOR XML PATH(''));
--Aggregation without join.
--count # of order for each customer (group by customer).
SELECT @customers_orders.query(
  'for $custid in distinct-values(//orders/order/custid)
   let $o := //orders/order[custid = $custid]


--aggregation with inner join.
--count # of order for each customers and list the customer name.
SELECT @customers_orders.query(
    'for $custid in distinct-values(//orders/order/custid)
     let $o := //orders/order[custid = $custid]
     let $c := //customers/customer[@custid = $custid]

--Aggregation with outer join.
--count # of order for each customers and list the customer name,
-- and include customer didn't have any order.
SELECT @customers_orders.query(
    'for $c in //customers/customer
     let $o := //orders/order[custid = $c/@custid]

--aggregation with outer join.
--count # of order, and sum the orders amount
-- for each customers and list the customer name,
--  and include customer didn't have any order.
SELECT @customers_orders.query(
    'for $c in //customers/customer
     let $o := //orders/order[custid = $c/@custid]


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