Replace a pattern with another string pattern.
This is almost the same as the built-in TSQL REPLACE function.
Ex: remove all commas within a string.
-- DECLARE @original_str VARCHAR(100) = 'The, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog' , @pattern_str VARCHAR(100) = ',' , @replacement_str VARCHAR(100) = ''; -- recursive CTE: replace @pattern_str with @replacement_str ; WITH phrase(string, row_id) AS ( -- anchor member SELECT @original_str AS string, row_id = 1 UNION ALL -- recursive member */ -- Note: If start_position <= 0, STUFF function returns NULL SELECT --Convert to VARCHAR(100) for data type and length to match with anchor member -- Case expression to handle NULL and string with no match found CAST(CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%'+@pattern_str+'%', string) <= 0 THEN string ELSE STUFF(string, PATINDEX('%'+@pattern_str+'%', string), 1,@replacement_str) END AS VARCHAR(100) ) AS string , row_id = row_id + 1 FROM phrase WHERE PATINDEX('%'+@pattern_str+'%', string) > 0 -- stop when pattern is not found ) SELECT string AS replaced_string FROM phrase ORDER BY row_id DESC OFFSET 0 ROW FETCH NEXT 1 ROW ONLY -- get last output from recursive CTE above OPTION(MAXRECURSION 0);
If you have a solution please share. I'm sure there're better and simpler solutions than this.
For me, it's fun to manipulate character strings. I will provide more examples on string manipulation on future posts. Also we'll learn more about CTE and recursive CTE.